Sunday, November 8, 2009

What now?

I'm glad it's Sunday today.  It was such a hectic week last week, and I'm afraid the next following ones won't be much better :(  We're in countdown mode now to the MAJOR TurnAround/Revamp period.. I'm starting to have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it now.  Still got too much to do, and apparently too little time. If we get through this project successfully, we definitely deserve the 'I survived the PSR2 Revamp Project' badge!  hahaha..

On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to FHA's return this coming Tuesday!  Yeay!!  I'm so glad his work allows him to come home every now and then, the longest being 67days away, if I recall correctly. Though this trip will only be a short one (he's leaving on Saturday), but better than nothing lah.  At least Uya will have the chance to rebond with his Papa for a couple of days (and we'll get our 'fix' :P)  It'll be great if he can come back again for AidilAdha, but I'm afraid even if he managed to do that I won't be able to take any leave.  Hmm.. see how lah later.

Anyway, I can't believe my daughter is starting primary one next year!  Gosh, how time flies!!  Dah besar dah anak dara aku nih... tapi adik tak de lagi.. isk isk.. Went back to Ipoh last weekend to check out my sister's brand new 2nd daughter.  I wish I wish I soooo wish for a 2nd child!  huhu..  But I believe Allah has a better plan for me, probably.  I might not be able to handle a baby what with the big project around the corner now, but I sure hope we'll get one next year... 


Amz said...

yati.. meh la join aku yg baru berkecimpung nak besarkan family. hehehe.. so true, having a baby needs a lot of commitment.

Yatie said...

Nora, tu lah pasal.. at this point kalu dapat sorang lagi pun aku dah cukup bersyukur! Doakan la tahun depan ada rezeki kitorang. Ko dalam pantang, kan? Baby sihat?

Anonymous said...

adusss hazzzrrrr.... kasik suspen ja.... tengok gambar ingat dah 3!!! hahaha...

Yatie said...

haha.. tertipu ke, pejaz?

i'm just trying to reach your level laaa... 2 is good enff for me.. lets go for quality not quantity now.. ;P