Monday, November 16, 2009

Down down down

Once in a while I feel like crap!  It could be quite sudden, this mood swing.. I could be enjoying a good time with my friends but then some disturbing thoughts would flash in my head and I'll be withdrawn into my darker 'world' where sometimes nothing is right.  And one of those times is now :(

If I know myself well enough, this moment will soon pass.  I don't normally dwell on painful thoughts, though deep down I'm aware that it's one way of avoiding issues - as in if you don't think about it, it'll disappear soon.  But the problem with this kind of thinking is that the problems will NEVER go away.  It'll just 'hibernate' in my head for a while and resurface when I least expect it.

Oh well.. whatever it is, life goes on.. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel much better. Or not. At one point I'd really need to find someone to talk to about what's disturbing me. I need a stranger...


thewisekid said...

i am a stranger ;)

and i've had my fair shares of those moments too.

when it sux, it sux so badly, it sux.
but u know, it WILL pass. =)

Yatie said...

Hi Angelita! Thanks for those kind words :) Hope you're feeling better too nowadays. I don't have a pet, but I think I understand how u feel..

Selamat hari raya!