I'm so happy to be back in Ipoh. For one, my shutdown work went really well (better than expected, seriously!) so alhamdulillah, I think I deserve a good break from work today. Bestnya melepak selepas berpenat lelah a few days ago!
Second, I'm trying to spend a quality time with my mom. Deep down I felt guilty somewhat coz I couldn't come back during Maulidul Rasul weekend hari tu. It's just that nowadays long trips with heavy traffic is getting to me! I don't mind travelling if hubby is around coz that means company.. we love to sembang2 during long trips. But now that he's not here, I'll be driving 'alone' in the car (coz Uya usually goes to sleep after like 30mins' drive) and that means (out of boredom) I'll drive faster just to get to my destination earlier. I just realized this coz Cilik pointed it out the last time we went outing.. hmmm.. not good. Anyway, we're back now (by bus late last night) and I'm thinking of taking my mom out to dinner and movie. Or a high-tea. Or a spa. See how la..
Third, I'm out of my house this weekend because of a dead kitten! Yupp.. somehow I think I accidentally killed a cat :( There's this small room outside my bedroom which interconnects with my bathroom. It's an open space that's supposedly for drying out clothes (?) dunno lah but we never used it. There's a grille and we put a wire mesh on it to avoid cats from jumping in from the roof (at one time kucing suka lah sangat berak kat situ kan.. tensyen!). I thought we got the problem solved, but apparently this kitten managed to claw her way in. Since the grille is quite high, the poor kitten was not able to climb back up! No wonder a couple of days ago I heard a cat mewing very loudly from around the house, but I thought it's coming from a neighbor's, so didn't think of checking that room. Finally one night this sooo bad, rotten smell came through the bathroom. I wasn't able to check it out early enough becoz the TA rendered me so penat that I only want to sleep when I got home. But the smell became so unbearable that I had to take a peek.
What I found was so gross - the dead cat is no longer visible as a cat! There was no more flesh or bone, just a bunch of maggots consuming the dead body. It smelled SO freaking bad (something like blood / rotten fishgut / rotten squid) that I can vomit now just thinking about it! That's actually the first time I saw a 'bangkai' up close (and a rotten one too) and gosh, having to throw it away is no mean feat, seriously! To stop myself from vomiting, I kept thinking that this is how we're gonna be like when we die - body full of maggots and worms and what not. It made me realize how short life is, and when we die, all physical aspects will go to rot, and only our soul will remain - to be judged on how we behaved and acted in this temporary world.
I'm so sad for the poor cat. I feel really sorry I couldn't save it earlier - if only I checked out the room when I heard the mewing :( I hope it will not come to me in the afterlife and demanded justice from my (in)action. Now I have to deal with the remaining smell (bilik tu takde drain point ye.. so no matter how much i tried to 'mop' the room, the water wasn't going anywhere.. yikes!) and since I can't deal with that now - I'm off to Ipoh at the moment. Maybe when I go back, I'll be in a better state to clean it up for good. And perhaps put bricks on the wall instead of only wire mesh...
yatie, betul tu... mcm mana busy pun, kena ingat to spend time dgn parents.:)
btw, bau bangkai kat rumah kau??? ewwwww..... kau guna suratkhabar banyak2 biar air tu meresap, dan curahkan dettol. good luck!
and take care.
azeq! betul laa.. aku dah taruk dettol baru ok sket.. isk isk.. jangan la terjadi lagi menda sebegini, tak sanggup aku!
btw, ko ada kat umah tak esok? nak jumpa ayu! :)
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