This year is also the first in err.. I can't remember how many years now.. that I woke up for sahur meals daily! Usually after the first few days, I'll be waking up just to have a glass of water and then went straight back to bed.. or even worse, not woken up at all. It must be coz Uya is such a sweet girl that she accompanies me for sahur most days. And also becoz I pity her if she goes to school without at least a slice of toast in her stomach. You see, she has started trying to fast.. and so far, the best she got was to 1pm. Which is good enough for now, considering she used to eat every 2 hours! Sekali makan sikit2, perut kecik.. then cepat lapar.. isk iskk... Maybe next year she'll have the strength to go all the way through (and I must make an extra effort to persuade her to eat a proper meal during sahur, then!)
Anyway, this year is the 2nd year that I spent most of Ramadan without FHA. He came back a couple of weeks ago and only managed to squeeze in 3 days of puasa here. Then he's off to Kolkata, and won't be back for Raya :( ..well.. during the 1st week, anyway. Owh syahdunya pertama kali beraya without my hubby! huhu.. Thank God he'll be able to come home the week after.
So this year will see me back in office on the 3rd or 4th day of raya. While the rest of the group are taking the whole week off to stuff themselves silly with family and friends' open houses' raya food and what not (even my non-muslim colleague, ye!) I'll be.. errr.. lets see.. (what should I do when no one is around to bother me?) haha.. Maybe I should get around to filing the stack of paperworks (that threathen to fall off my desk anytime), or finally be able to review the turnaround procedures (which is at the most bottom of my list, seriously - how I hate procedures!)... or reorganize the TA costing files? Hmm.. I guess I'll just make a list and tick it off later lah. One thing for sure, they'd better not disturb me during my cuti-cuti Malaysia the week after!
Here's wishing all of you another blessed 2 weeks of Ramadan :) Semoga amalan baik kita dalam bulan yang penuh berkat ini diterima Allah.. amin..
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