Monday, January 5, 2009

2 0 0 9

I'm currently uploading my bro-in-law's wedding pix.. somehow tonight FB is kind enough (or is it the improved connection after I gave the PC a break for a couple of hours?) to let me do so.  The wedding went smoothly, alhamdulillah.. even though I got sick the day before the reception at PB! Yikes! So much for 'helping out', huh?  Sib baik the next day I felt better enough to stand (and smile constantly) at the hall's reception..

Anyway, hope it is not too late to wish all of you a 'Happy New Year 2009'! Somehow this year I felt quite 'subdued' to celebrate the coming of a new year.. coz maybe thinking of all the (huge) challenges ahead gave me the shudder! Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out to do what I'm supposed to do.. but I guess Allah won't give you something that you can't handle, right?  So.. jez need to toughen it up la..

Well.. looking back, 2008 has been a good year to us.  Both me and Faeiz had the chance to be part of the company's Appreciation Dinner's organizing committee (where we got to meet Anuar Zain up close! hehe) and we won the 1st ever Amazing Drive (treasure hunt ala2 my favorite show Amazing Race)- jadik Grand Champion gitu in the trip from Melaka to Batu Ferringhi! :P  When my bro came back for his summer hols, all of us family Pn Nooriah pegi mencandat sotong off Pulau Kapas (first time ever!) and despite the muntah2 and only like 5 hours on the boat (suppossed to be an all-night-long kinda thing) we had lots of fun.  The kids also enjoyed trying to catch fishes when we went snorkeling at Pulau Kapas and due to my Along's extensive food-planning (hehe) we enjoyed fresh BBQ sotong/ayam/daging at the otherwise food-scarce island resort! :D  Also, Sept 2008 saw Faeiz going to Kolkata on a new work assignment.. and for the first time ever, I became a 'single mom'.. huhu.. but insyaAllah only temporary.  We have bigger things planned, and hopefully it'll come true.  On the flipside, I lost my beloved Mak Teh early last year, after only a few months losing my Pak Long in Dec'07.  So sad :(  Now my mom and my Mak Lang are the only ones left of their 5 siblings..huhu.. I guess I've to try harder to show my appreciation to my dear ones coz really, you never know when they'll be gone, right?

Here's hoping 2009 will bring more good tidings to all of us.. Amin..

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