Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today was such a sad day.  Heard early in the morning that one of my colleagues had passed away. Abg Zul Zakaria, worker extraordinaire, who disregarded his health for the company.. which brings to mind the phrase 'kerja sampai mati'! :(  A jovial guy, with a smile always on his face, helpful to everyone most times.  I remember him as one of the technicians who helped me a lot during my early working years here.  He was also my dear neighbor.. whose kids played with mine whenever they got the chance to. Abg Zul left 5 young kids with a stay-at-home wife. My heart goes to kak Anum.. I really hope she'll get through this ordeal..

His death affected most of us at the refinery.  Hundreds showed up at the Occupational Health Center this morning and subsequently assembled at the surau to recite Yasin and prayers for Arwah. His family joined us after a short briefing by the doctor. Somebody went to fetch his eldest son from the boarding school and he got in by the end of our session. At a tender age of 14, he's now the head of the family. Already an 'anak yatim'. I couldn't look at his daughter, Aishah, who played with Uya the most, without choking back tears. I imagined my daughter in her place and it just broke my heart :(  His youngest son, three years old, still couldn't comprehend the situation.  He jovially looked at the crowds and pointed me out to his mom, who couldn't stop crying. The whole situation was so bleak, even the sky let up, when all these while Melaka has been suffering this heat, HOT, hottest season ever..

The cause of death?  Most probably heart attack.  Though with no post-mortem performed, nobody can tell for sure. The signs were there, surely.. Abg Zul was hospitalized a couple of years back due to stroke (if I'm not mistaken).. and they said he had an enzyme problem that caused his heart to beat at 140.  Not good especially for someone who was overweight.  Probably caused too much strain. Couple that with stress at work and probably other problems - finally (probably) the heart had had enough. But as they said, all these are just 'penyebab'.. the truth is, his time has come.  Innalillah.. from God we came, and to Him we shall return..

Al-fatihah to arwah Abg Zul.  You are loved by a lot of people.  You've done good here in this temporary world.  May your soul rests in peace... AMIN..

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